General conditions Reviewers

By reviewing on our Feedback Platform you agree to our general conditions outlined on this page, we are a transparant company and have build a great online community of reviewers who like to write quality reviews. For writing quality reviews we are the only review company who reward writers for their time.

1. Reviewer shall not use rude and or inappropriate language.

2. Feedback Platform will actively verify reviews to make sure they are real and confirm our general conditions.

3. Feedback Platform has the right to delete reviews when we believe it's against our general conditions.

4. Feedback Platform will payout rewards after the requirements are met which can be read on our F.A.Q. When we detect fraud we will block the reviewer from our platform by ip and or e-mail.

5. Reviewer shall only review companies who they have ordered from in the past.

6. Reviewer shall not review it's own webshops.

7. Reviewer can't delete reviews but can edit them at anytime, this is the same how Google Reviews work.

8. Reviews placed on the Feedback Platform are property of the reviewer.

9. Reviewer can edit their name in order to stay anonymous in their account by using an alias.

10. Reviewer shall not use rude and or inappropriate aliases.

11. Reviewer shall only write reviews about the service experience of the company. No product reviews are allowed.

12. Reviewer will do it's best to spell check its content

General conditions Business

By signing up to a business account you agree to our general conditions outlined on this page. Let us start with saying we are one of the few who don't work with contracts because we hope you will love our platform and if not your free to go at anytime, we even refund you for the days you did not use the package.

1. Client shall not review it's own business

2. Client can cancel the subscription at anytime, no questions asked

3. Feedback Platform will only remove reviews when they are against the rules, client can contact us and explain why they think a review should be removed.

4. Feedback Platform can not be held accountable for any damage that might happen by using our tools and platform

5. The business page along with all received reviews will stay online even if the client cancels their account

6. Feedback Platform has the right to block clients from the platform when they do not obey by the rules outlined on this page.

7. Client will not exchange discounts for good reviews

8. Client will not ask relatives/friends to place reviews

9. Client will do it's best to help consumers when they have problems by replying to them on the business page

10. Client will not use rude language by talking to the reviewer on the platform

11. Feedback Platform actively checks reviews and consumer contact to make sure client and reviewer obey by the rules outlined on this page

12. Client is not allowed to create multiple accounts unless it's for a different company.

General information

Feedbackplatform is based in The Netherlands and can be contacted at anytimes through the contact form on our website.

We have the right to change the general conditions at anytime, current version is 1.0.2 and last updated on 03-07-2020.

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"Plate-forme d'examen indépendante pour les boutiques en ligne afin d'obtenir des informations précieuses sur les clients. Nous sommes la seule entreprise à dédommager nos évaluateurs de leur temps pour obtenir des avis de meilleure qualité."

Pour les relecteurs

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